Generate perfect song lyrics and music with AI

Transform your music creation process with our AI-powered song lyric generator


Avatar of Jane Akbulut
Jane Akbulut

The lyrics and beats it generates are on point. A true innovation for artists.

Avatar of Gavin Beins
Gavin Beins

This music generator has elevated my songwriting process. Total game-changer.

Avatar of Josh Watts
Josh Watts

Incredible tool for any artist looking for fresh inspiration and beats.

The Ultimate Songwriting Companion

Limitless creativity
Endless songwriting inspiration awaits with a never-ending supply of original ideas and melodies. The AI can write about any topic, and generate music of any genre
Your personal songwriting assistant
Collaborate with our AI songwriting partner to craft the perfect song. Once you have lyrics and music, you can provide feedback by talking to the AI to bring your musical vision to life.
In-built smart dictionary
The platform comes equipped with an in-built smart dictionary that helps you find all sorts of related words to provide inspiration and help you finish your lyrics.
Write in any language
With over 100+ languages to choose from, you can learn how to write song lyrics in any language!
Try It Now

Frequently asked questions

Do I keep the copyright?

Yes! Lyrical Labs is 100% royalty free, so you keep all the rights to the music and lyrics you create on this platform.

Is the goal of the platform to completely write my songs for me?

No, the goal of our platform is to provide you with an endless supply of inspiration and to help overcome writer's block. While the AI is capable of generating complete sets of lyrics and musical melodies, we encourage you to use them as a starting point and add your own personal touch. The AI is here to assist and inspire you, not to replace your own creativity.

How does the platform help me overcome writer's block?

Writer's block can be a frustrating and demoralizing experience for any songwriter. But with our platform, you'll never have to worry about running out of ideas. Simply input your desired theme and style, and the AI will provide you with an endless stream of creative and original ideas to work with. This can help kickstart your songwriting process and get you back on track.

How does the platform help with boosting my songwriting process?

Our platform is designed to provide you with an endless supply of ideas and suggestions based on your chosen stylistic preferences, giving you the freedom to experiment and try something new.

Additionally, the platform allows you to write and edit the lyrics at your own will, with a highly unique 'Related Words' dictionary by your side to assist you throughout your songwriting process. It's like your own personal creative assistant, fit to your own personal tastes and songwriting needs!

Lyrical Labs - Generate AI music melodies and lyrics - DALL-E for music | Product Hunt